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351 total results found

Community Care (Know The

Recovery Information and Centers

Recovery Rooted In Your Identity In Minnesota, culturally competent care programs understand and respect your background. These programs are designed by people who come from diverse communities. They ensure that your experiences and cultural needs are recogni...

Staying Healthy During Pregnancy (KidsHealth)

Pregnancy and After Birth: Care and Inf... Nemours KidsHealth (Pregnancy & Baby)

en español: Mantenerse sana durante el embarazo Medically reviewed by: Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD Website:  Prenatal Health Care To protect the health of your baby, be sure to get prenatal care. If you t...

10 Things That Might Surprise You About Being Pregnant

Pregnancy and After Birth: Care and Inf... Nemours KidsHealth (Pregnancy & Baby)

en español: 10 cosas sobre el embarazo que le pueden sorprender Article: Medically reviewed by: Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD 1. The Nesting Instinct Many pregnant women feel the nesting instinct , a powerful...

A Week-by-Week Pregnancy Calendar

Pregnancy and After Birth: Care and Inf... Nemours KidsHealth (Pregnancy & Baby)

en español: Calendario del embarazo semana a semana Article:  Medically reviewed by: KidsHealth Medical Experts Want to know what to expect during your pregnancy? You've come to the right pla...

Air Travel During Pregnancy

Pregnancy and After Birth: Care and Inf... Nemours KidsHealth (Pregnancy & Baby)

en español: Viajar en avión durante el embarazo Article: Medically reviewed by: Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD Is it Safe to Fly During Pregnancy? It's OK to travel by air during pregnancy unless your d...

Are Vaccines Safe During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy and After Birth: Care and Inf... Nemours KidsHealth (Pregnancy & Baby)

en español: Viajar en avión durante el embarazo Article:  Medically reviewed by: Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD Can I Get Vaccines While I'm Pregnant? Its best to get vaccines before pregnancy, when possible. B...

Bringing Your Baby Home

Pregnancy and After Birth: Care and Inf... Nemours KidsHealth (Pregnancy & Baby)

en español: Regresar a casa con su bebé Article:  Medically reviewed by: KidsHealth Medical Experts Whether your baby comes home from the hospital right away, arrives later (perhaps after a stay in...

Can I Have a Vaginal Birth If I had a Previous C-Section?

Pregnancy and After Birth: Care and Inf... Nemours KidsHealth (Pregnancy & Baby)

en español: ¿Puedo tener un parto vaginal si he tenido un parto por cesárea? Article: Medically reviewed by: KidsHealth Medical Experts Many women who have had a cesarean section (or C-section) with their first ...

Drinking Tap Water During Pregnancy

Pregnancy and After Birth: Care and Inf... Nemours KidsHealth (Pregnancy & Baby)

en español: Beber agua del grifo durante el embarazo Article: Medically reviewed by: Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD Is it OK to Drink Tap Water During Pregnancy? If you're pregnant, tell your doctor ...

Eating During Pregnancy

Pregnancy and After Birth: Care and Inf... Nemours KidsHealth (Pregnancy & Baby)

en español: Alimentación durante el embarazo Article: Medically reviewed by: Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD Eating well during pregnancy is not just eating more. What you eat is as important.  If you ar...

Gestational Diabetes

Pregnancy and After Birth: Care and Inf... Nemours KidsHealth (Pregnancy & Baby)

en español: ¿Qué es la diabetes gestacional? Article:  Medically reviewed by: Thinh Phu Nguyen, MD What is Gestational Diabetes? Gestational diabetes is a kind of diabetes that comes on during p...