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Environmental Services (Planning & Zoning)

Environmental Services (Planning & Zoning)

Online Permitting Application
Mission Statement:
"To Promote the judicious use of our vast resources while protecting and preserving our Environment."
Board of Adjustment (BOA) & Planning Commission (PC) Calendar
  • 12-06-2023 - BOA
  • 12-18-2023 - PC

Information about Septic Systems

Frequently Visited Links:
Forms & Worksheets
Additional Information:
Financial Assistance

Buying & Selling Property

Aitkin County Subsurface Sewage Treatment System (SSTS) Ordinance requires that a Certificate of Compliance completed by a licensed inspector, be provided prior to the transfer of title to real estate with a dwelling unit, mobile home or any other building served by or required to have a SSTS, or, before the transfer of title by deed, contract or lease of a term of three (3) years or more.
If the seller fails to provide a Certificate of Compliance, the seller shall provide the buyer with an approved septic system design and approved permit for the installation of a SSTS, or an escrow agreement (see requirements below). The escrow agreement shall be filed with Aitkin County Planning & Zoning.
In the event that one of the exemptions listed below applies, a Sworn Affidavit must be completed and filed with Aitkin County Planning & Zoning.
NO INSPECTION REQUIRED, if the transfer involves the following exemptions:
  • A valid "Certificate of Installation" for a New/Replacement System is on file and dated within the last five (5) years.
  • A valid "Certificate of Compliance" for an Existing System is on file and dated within the last three (3) years.
  • A full list of exemptions can be found in the Aitkin County SSTS Ordinance.
INSPECTION REQUIRED, if the sale or transfer does not involve the exemptions above:
Step-by-Step Inspection Process
  1. Contact Licensed Inspector: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) maintains a list Click here. You also can get a list maintained by Aitkin County Click here.
  2. Site Inspection: Licensed inspector conducts site visits and determines septic condition.
  3. Licensed inspector submits report to the County:
"Certificate of Compliance": The system is compliant and is valid for three years. No other actions on your part are necessary and proceed with the closing.
"Notice of noncompliance":
Failing to Protect Groundwater: If the report indicates a failing system the seller shall provide the buyer sufficient security in the form of an Escrow Agreement to assure the installation of the complying SSTS. See Escrow requirements below. The buyer may, by mutual written agreement with the seller, assume the responsibilities to fund the escrow. The system must be upgraded or replaced within twelve (12) months.
Imminent Threat to Public Health & Safety (ITPHS): An SSTS that is an Imminent Threat to Public Health & Safety shall be abated within ten (10) days and the SSTS shall be upgraded or repaired within ten (10) months. If the ITPHS is a surface discharge of sewage or effluent, the SSTS must be pumped and managed as a holding tank to prevent surface discharge from reoccurring. If the replacement of an ITPHS system does not occur prior to closing, then an escrow agreement is required. Acting early gives you time to make necessary corrections before the sale or transfer.
ESCROW: If the seller fails to provide a Certificate of Compliance, or if a compliance inspection indicates a Notice of Noncompliance or if the seller is unable to complete a compliance inspection due to frozen soil conditions, the seller shall provide the buyer sufficient security in the form of an Escrow Agreement to assure the installation of the complying SSTS. The buyer may, by mutual written agreement with the seller, assume the responsibilities to fund the escrow.
The security shall be placed in an escrow with a licensed real estate closer, licensed attorney at law, or federal or state-chartered financial institution. The amount escrowed shall be equal to 125% of a written estimate to install a complying SSTS provided by a Licensed Installation business or Licensed Installer.
The Escrow Agreement shall list Aitkin County as having the "release authority" of the escrow monies, which shall not be released until a Certificate of Compliance is issued by the Department or its agent.
After a complying SSTS has been installed and a Certificate of Compliance issued, the Aitkin County shall provide the escrow agent a copy of the Certificate of Compliance, which shall cause the escrow to be released. A copy of the Escrow Agreement and written estimate must be submitted to Aitkin County Planning & Zoning.
WINTER SALES: When frost conditions will not permit for an inspection, an Escrow Agreement shall be submitted to Planning & Zoning.
OPERATING PERMITS: Septic systems with operating permits do not transfer to new property owners. New owners shall apply for an operating permit accompanied with a signed maintenance and monitoring contract by a licensed service provider or inspector.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is made of five (5) members and is responsible for the following duties:
  • To adopt rules of procedure governing the transaction of its business.
  • Cooperate with the Planning and Zoning Administrator and other employees of the County in preparing and making recommendations to the County Board of Commissioners with such comments and recommendations for plan execution in the form of official controls and other measures and amendments thereto.
  • Conduct public hearings for comprehensive plans, official controls, conditional/interim use permit applications, rezone applications, subdivision platting proposals, amendments to the same, and other matters as may be required by law and by the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
The Planning Commission meets on the third Monday of each month at 4:00 PM, in the Board Room of the Aitkin County Government Center. In the event of a conflict with holidays, the meeting shall be held the following Monday.

Board of Adjustment

The Board of Adjustment (BOA) is made of five (5) members and is responsible for the following duties:
  • To hear and decide requests for variances from the terms of the county’s official control including any restrictions placed on a nonconformity.
  • To hear and decide appeals from and review any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by any administrative official charged with enforcing the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
The Board of Adjustment meets regularly on the first Wednesday of each month at 4:00 PM, in the Board Room of the Aitkin County Government Center. In the event of a conflict with holidays, the meeting shall be held the following Wednesday.

Water Testing Services


  • Brock Anderson
  • 218-927-7585
  • Email
The Aitkin County Water Lab offers well water testing for coliform bacteria, E.coli and nitrates. The Minnesota Department of Health recommends that private wells be tested for coliform bacteria annually and nitrates every 1-2 years.
Water samples can be dropped off on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm. Samples must be held on ice when transporting. Onsite collection samples will also be taken on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month as well.
Testing Prices:
  • $25 for Coliform and E. coli Bacteria
  • $25 for Nitrates
  • $40 for Nitrates, Coliform and E. coli Bacteria
  • $50 Collection Fee for Onsite Sample Collections
To have a water sample tested, stop by the Environmental Services/Planning and Zoning Department at the Aitkin County Government Center to pick up a sample kit. The Water Lab will only accept samples taken from approved sterile Whirlpack bags provided at our office. Samples in other containers will not be accepted.
Since the Minnesota Department of Health has taken over License jurisdiction for Lodging and Food Licenses, Aitkin County would like to note that for Vacation Rentals, water tests need to be completed by a Minnesota Department of Health Accredited Laboratory. Many lenders for real estate transactions or loan refinances require that an independent third party collect the water sample. Contact the lender directly with questions on which tests are required and if an independent third party is needed for the sample collection. If you require Minnesota Department of Health accreditation for testing services, contact them at 651-201-4600.
Aitkin County Environmental Services Water Laboratory offers accurate and reliable results through our quality assurance program. Our quality assurance program is based on:
Use of written standard operating procedures (SOPs) and methods.Adherence to quality control practices for all analyses, internal performance evaluations and internal quality assurance audits.Biannual Proficiency Testing (PT) - blind samples are sent twice a year to our lab from RTC Corporation for analysis. This ensures that our equipment and procedures are working correctly.
  • Click here to view our PT Certificate of Quality
  • For more information on PT Testing, use this link:
For more information about well water testing at Aitkin County, please call 218-927-7585 or 218-927-7342.

Environmental Services Ordinances


Aitkin County is the local government unit (LGU) responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Wetland Conservation Act.
Landowners considering any construction or alteration within wetland areas should contact the Aitkin County Planning & Zoning Department.
Learn more about the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) - Program Guidance and Information.
In almost all cases, draining, filling or altering a wetland will require a permit or some other authorization in Minnesota; applicants will often need to show efforts to avoid wetlands and may be required to replace drained or filled wetland area. This includes the digging of or maintenance of ponds and drainage ditches. The following agencies will typically be involved:
  • Aitkin County – Henry Egland, Wetland Specialist (218) 927-7313
  • Aitkin County Soil and Water Conservation District – Sam Seybold (218) 927-7284
  • Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
  • The United States Army Corps of Engineers


To obtain information please follow the link: 
Online Permits-How to Apply: 



 January 2023 through December 2023
Malmo- BP Station- recycling containers will be on site on the second and fourth Monday (starting at 12:00PM) thru Thursday (until 1:00 PM)
McGrath- Pour Lewey’s – recycling container will be on site on the second Wednesday (starting at 12:00 PM) through Thursday (until 12:00PM).(Containers will not be available on Holidays)

BP Gas Station
Days of Week
January Mon.1/9 thru Thurs. 1/12
Mon. 1/23 thru Thurs. 1/26
February Mon. 2/13 thru Thurs. 2/16
Mon. 2/27 thru Thurs. 3/2
March Mon. 3/13 thru Thurs. 3/16
Mon. 3/27 thru Thurs. 3/30
April Tues. 4/11 thru Thurs. 4/13
Mon. 4/24 thru Thurs. 4/27
May Mon. 5/8 thru Thurs. 5/11
Mon. 5/22 thru Thurs. 5/25
June Mon. 6/12 thru Thurs. 6/15
Mon. 6/26 thru Thurs. 6/29
July Mon. 7/10 thru Thurs. 7/13
Mon. 7/24 thru Thurs. 7/27

August Mon. 8/14 thru Thurs. 8/17
Mon. 8/28 thru Thurs. 8/31

September Mon. 9/11 thru Thurs. 9/14
Mon. 9/25 thru Thurs. 9/28

October Mon. 10/9 thru Thurs. 10/12
Mon. 10/23 thru Thurs. 10/26

November Mon. 11/13 thru Thurs. 11/16
Mon. 11/27 thru Thurs. 11/30

December Mon. 12/11 thru Thurs. 12/14
Mon. 12/25 thru Thurs. 12/28

Pour Lewey’s
Days of Week
January Wed. 1/11 - Thurs. 1/12
February Wed. 2/8 - Thurs. 2/9
March Wed. 3/8 – Thurs. 3/9
April Wed. 4/12 – Thurs.4/13
May Wed. 5/10 – Thurs.5/11
June Wed. 6/14 – Thurs.6/15
July Wed. 7/12 - Thurs.7/13
August Wed. 8/9 – Thurs. 8/10
September Wed. 9/13 – Thurs.9/14
October Wed 10/11 –Thurs. 10/12
November Wed. 11/8 –Thurs. 11/9
December Wed 12/13-Thurs.12/14


For more information please contact Aitkin County Environmental Services Department at
218-927-7342 or email
All businesses are encouraged to discuss recycling opportunities with your waste hauler or contact Aitkin County Environmental Services.


The following recycling locations are provided for residents of Aitkin County:
(Unavailable on Holidays)
• Aitkin County Recycling Center – 36488 400th Ave, Aitkin
Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 4 PM, Saturday 8:00 AM – 12 PM• McGregor Recycling Center – 44112 State Hwy 65, McGregor
Summer Hours: Monday – Fri 8:00 AM – 3 PM, Sat & Sun 9:00 AM – 3 PMWinter Hours: Monday – Fri 8:00 AM – 1 PM, Sat 9:00 AM - 12 PM, Closed Sunday
• Malmo – Malmo BP - 22167 State Hwy 47, Aitkin
Second & Fourth Monday (starting at 12:00PM) – Thursday (until 1:00 PM)
• McGrath - Pour Lewey’s - 104 S Hwy 65, McGrath
Second Wednesday (starting at 12:00PM) – Thursday (until 12:00PM)