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Site: Camp Hiawatha / Camp Vermillion
Ages: Completed grades 7-9
Cost: $410-560*

A week of camp that balances the independence of Jr. High campers with opportunities to be silly and enjoy your favorite camp experiences. Explorer campers enjoy an overnight camping experience during the week, as well as the chance to ask their big faith questions. A week of Explorers provides a safe space to be yourself and develop deep friendships, all as you learn and grow in faith. 

*See full fee schedule here.

Program Details

Because they are generally the oldest campers, Explorers have a great opportunity to set examples and even be a mentor to younger campers. The other programs at camp will see the Explorer's activities and look forward to the day they will be able to participate in an overnight camping  experience, enjoy a day trip by canoe to another part of the lake, stay up a bit later, and dig deeper into their faith. While there are activities throughout the week for the entire camp to participate in together, Explorers also have many opportunities for games, worships, and experiences planned just for them. 

Weather permitting, Explorer campers will take a day canoe trip during the week. Following morning worship, the group will take a packed trail lunch and head out on the water. Camp Vermillion has nearby picnic sites on the lake, perfect for a short canoe trip and time away from the main site. Ideally, the day's Bible study, lunch, and quiet time happen on these trips, as well as swimming for those who might be interested. Along with the cabin counselors, our Waterfront Director often enjoys participating in this trip. With no set schedule, the Explorers campers are able to take their time and truly enjoy this trip. The group generally returns to site just in time for afternoon canteen.

Explorers also have an overnight camping experience during the week. These overnights include helping to cook their supper over the fire, setting up tents or hammocks, and learning basic outdoor living skills. Cabin groups enjoy time together in conversation, team building, and devotions. The next morning, groups wake and prepare their breakfast over the fire. After cleaning up and making sure they have "left no trace" at their site, Explorers gather for morning worship. Some groups will then remain at the campsites for Bible study, but all groups head back to camp in time for lunch.

Explorer campers live in a cabin with generally 7-8 cabin mates and one of our staff.

Housing at Camp Vermillion is in our Tree Tops or Hillside cabins. Both villages are a short distance from the bathhouse, but an outhouse is close by when needed Explorer cabins have 9-11 beds.

Typical Daily Schedule

7:00 - Polar Bear Swim (an early morning jump in the lake; optional)
7:45 - Morning Mai (morning devotion time with other cabins)
8:00 - Breakfast
8:40 - Kapers (chores or tasks to help keep the camp clean and comfortable for all)
9:15 - Games
9:30 - Morning Worship
10:00 - Bible study with their cabin group; also called Rubbaboo
11:15 - Explorer program games/activities
12:00 - Lunch
12:45 - Quiet Time
1:15 - Afternoon Grovers - usually two or three activity periods with a variety of activities; includes swimming, creative arts, field games, canoeing, learning a skill, nature activities, and more. A trip to the canteen is usually part of the afternoon schedule
5:30 - Supper
6:15 - Cabin time
6:45 - All Camp Game - sometimes with the entire camp community; sometimes with other Explorer cabins
8:30 - Canteen or snack; prepare for evening campfire
9:15 - Campfire - sometimes with entire camp community, sometimes with other Explorer cabins
10:00 - Prepare for bed
10:15 - Evening cabin devotions; also called Wattape
10:40 - Lights out

The Explorer schedule may vary from day to day as staff work to create a unique camp experience for this group of campers.




1325 N 45th Avenue E
Duluth, MN 55804
(800) 331-5148


36944 Camp Hiawatha Rd
Deer River, MN 56636


2555 Vermilion Camp Rd
Cook, MN 55723