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NAMI Knowledge Article: I need someone to advocate for me – Can NAMI help? Although
NAMI does not provide individual advocacy services, there are resources available for finding a
healthcare advocate who can help.

NAMI Video - Ros and Jonny: Community Creates Hope offers friendship and community help to
so many who struggle with mental illness find strength and hope. Ros and Jonny met in college
and have been there for each other ever since. Sharing a passion for mental health advocacy,
they have joined forces with NAMI to help their Hispanic/Latinx and LGBTQ+ peers discover the
NAMI community and ignite the light of hope in their own lives.

NAMI Video - Youth - Let's Talk About Advocacy Juan introduces us to advocacy and why it is
important to speak up. He shares how his own identity, culture, and background put him on the
path towards becoming an advocate. In this video, Juan talks about how to get started and
shares the message that everyone has the potential to become an impactful advocate.

Active Minds is an organization dedicated to providing education, research and advocacy
surrounding mental health. Their website offers general information about mental health and
information about how to start a new chapter of the organization at university.