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NAMI Commitment Planner is a resource to prevent student burnout by helping you map out your school, work, and personal commitments.

NAMI On Campus student-led, student-run mental health organizations on college campuses and, in some states, on high school campuses. NAMI on Campus clubs host events on campus to raise mental health awareness and advocate for mental health services and support.

NAMI - How to Disclose Your Mental Health Condition when it comes to disclosing the details of your mental health, there is no one “right” way to share. Read our tips on how to talk about your mental health to your college, employer, and significant other.

NAMI Time Management fact sheet shares these tips you may want to consider trying to balance your school, work and personal time to help your mental well-being! NAMI - Teens Page resource that is focused on finding help, how to talk to your friends, how to talk to your parents or guardian, social media and mental health, and your mental health and school.

NAMI - Teens - Your Mental Health and School if you're a teen, learn what to do if you need more mental health support in school.

Center for Young Women's Health provides guides on mental health disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and eating disorders, along with other topics that impact emotional wellbeing such as bullying, alcoholic parents, breakups, cliques, consent, test anxiety and more.

JED Foundation provides an online resource center with essential information about common emotional health issues and shows teens how they can support one another and overcome challenges. They also offer programs and resources to help students have a healthy and positive high school and college experience.

Jed Foundation - I Want to Take Care of my Mental Health our emotional well-being can range from feeling good to struggling because of a situation or a condition like depression. These resources can help you navigate life’s challenges, practice self-care and coping, and/or find the support of professionals.

MannMukti is a storytelling platform that enables the South Asian diaspora to normalize and discuss mental health issues. Has a “Stories of Stigma” podcast series that features experts on South Asian mental health. Includes research and articles about scientific developments on the link between immigration, South Asian culture, and mental health. Has a South Asian Therapist Directory. Also has university chapters.

Steve Fund promotes the mental health and emotional well-being of young people of color. The Steve Fund Youth Advisory Board created a Healing Space on the website that includes stories shared on YouTube, a Back to School Toolkit, and refocusing and relaxation guides. The website also features a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) student leadership section, HBCU student section, and a young women of color section. provides a mental health guide for college students which shares tips on wellness and information about resources, support, and special accommodations.

Trevor Project - Creating Safer Spaces in Schools for LGBTQ Youth for LGBTQ young people, school can be a tricky place to explore who they are and how they identify, especially if they face harassment, discrimination, or a lack of resources. Here you will find frequently asked questions that LGBTQ youth ask about their experiences in school. 


NAMI On Campus student-led, student-run mental health organizations on college campuses and, in some states, on high school campuses. NAMI on Campus clubs host events on campus to raise mental health awareness and advocate for mental health services and support. 

NAMI Knowledge Article: I am feeling stressed about college/exams. How can I get help? College can be stressful, especially for those who have experienced mental health challenges. Exam season can be especially difficult. Many students worry about failing tests, returning home to family, and managing personal wellness. At this time, it is important to prioritize your mental health.

NAMI - Mental Health in College it’s important to prioritize your mental health in college. Learn how to manage your mental health during this time.

NAMI Video - College Guide learn how to address your mental health concerns while at college.

NAMI Video - Making A Mental Health Plan For College Students learn how to prepare for a mental health emergency, including how to safely share medical information with someone you trust.

NAMI Video - Navigating College, Protecting Your Mental Health learn how to navigate college if you have a mental health condition.