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The Opioid Crisis Practical Toolkit

Helping Faith-based and Community Leaders Bring Hope to Our Communities

Every day, 130+ Americans die from opioid-related overdoses. In 2017, over 11.4 million Americans misused prescription opioids, 2.1 million had an opioid-use disorder due to prescription opioids or heroin, and - most concerning - 1 in 7 high school students report that they misused opioids.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recognizes that faith- and community-based partners eagerly and willingly step in to meet the needs of their communities.

That's why the HHS Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives (also known as "The HHS Partnership Center") created this Practical Toolkit for faith-based and community leaders. We hope this toolkit will be helpful to jump-starting an action plan in your community or advancing your existing efforts to meet the needs of individuals and families struggling with addiction, and its often severe consequences.

The Partnership Center would like to extend a special thanks to our faith and community partners for generously sharing their insights on how congregations and communities can play an active and instrumental role during this current national health crisis.

Thank you for you willingness to support the journey of recovery. We are so grateful for your partnership!

This HHS Partnership Center toolkit is segmented into seven key areas that briefly cover some practical ways your community can consider bringing hope and healing to those in need.

To further complement this kit, we recommend the following:

  1. Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter or breaking news alerts. Only your email address is needed: 
  2. Connect with us on social media (Facebook and Twitter)
  3. Watch and share helpful Partnership Center educational videos (Youtube)
  4. Email us your comments, stories of success, how you're using this kit, etc.