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Suicide Prevention

COVID-19 Update: We have created a Crisis Text Line Distance Learning Toolkit. Here is a link to a google form to access the Crisis Text Line toolkit. Here is a direct link to the video presentation. Please call or email Ali (contact information at bottom of page) for questions and opportunities related to Crisis Text Line presentations, suicide prevention/intervention trainings, or other outreach opportunities. Also contact her if you need Crisis Text Line marketing materials (posters, bracelets, etc.).

General Crisis Text Line/Suicide Prevention Information:

TXT4Life began as a program funded under a Garrett Lee Smith SAMHSA Grant for the seven counties (Aitkin-Carlton-Cook-Itasca-Koochiching-Lake-St. Louis), and four Tribes (Fond du Lac, Red Lake, Bois Forte, Grand Portage) of Northeast Minnesota. Currently, the program is funded by State Legislative funding that was allocated in both the 2013 and 2015 Omnibus Bills. This funding has allowed for the expansion of the program to all of Minnesota. The coverage to all Minnesota counties by Regional Coordinators will be implemented by April 2018.

The texting portion of the program allows a person in crisis to text into a confidential line where trained Counselors assist them. The national Crisis Text Line is used for this service, and a person in crisis can text MN to 741741 to be connected.

Regional Coordinators reach students through school presentations where education about suicide prevention and steps to help a friend in crisis are given, as well as resources including the text line information, mobile crisis, and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline phone number (1-800-273-8255). Information is also gathered from students about adults they trust, who they might go to in the time of a crisis. Additional evidence-based training opportunities are offered to these identified adults. Student groups have also been established at various schools to continue the promotion of Crisis Text Line and participate in suicide prevention/awareness activities.

Trainings are available to anyone and given across the region and state. The trainings include QPR – Question, Persuade, Refer (both in-person and online options), and ASIST – Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training. Training, education, marketing, local/regional and state collaborations, and innovation have made this project a rapid success.

More questions? Want to request a training in your school/community? Contact the Northeast MN Coordinator, Ali Randall, at 218-461-7089 or

To print Crisis Text Line posters, download the following posters (PDF’s):

Poster 1

Poster 2

Poster 3

Poster 4
