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Transportation Agencies

Transportation Service Providers in Aitkin County, Minnesota


Disclaimer: Each transportation provider has its own ride scheduling and route information. Please click on the provider's website or use contact information to plan your ride. In a region as rural as ours, your transportation needs might be fulfilled by one lone provider or by a combination of several.

Aitkin County CARE


Volunteer Drivers
Cost varies on distance
Rides scheduled- Call the office Monday-Friday 8 am - 4 pm. 2-day notice
Type of Vehicles-Non-wheelchair accessible vehicles

Angels of McGregor


Volunteer Drivers for older adults, veterans, or people with disability
Rides scheduled-Call the office Monday-Friday to request the ride, 24-hour notice
Type of Vehicles-Both wheelchair and non-wheelchair accessible vehicles

Arrowhead Transit


Dial a Ride service for Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Pine, and St. Louis counties
Rides Scheduled-Call office or see the route schedule online
Type of Vehicles: wheelchair-accessible buses
Volunteer Drivers for Non-Emergency Medical Rides only
Rides scheduled: Scheduled by insurance company or call office 24-hour notice required 
Types of vehicles-Non-wheelchair accessible vehicles

Jefferson Lines


228 W Michigan St Duluth, MN 55802

Fixed Route bus with Nationwide service.
Rides scheduled - 218-722-5591 or online at
Type of Vehicles – Coach bus 48-hour advance notification, can meet the service needs of all customers with disabilities.


(866) 467-1724

Non-Emergency Medical Rides to people eligible to receive services

Contact your county’s Health and Human Services Department for more information