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Public Assistance
Mission: to protect, promote and improve the health and quality of life in St Louis CountyVision...
Apply for Burial Assistance
Ways to Apply Fill out and return the Application for St. Louis County Burial to your local Ag...
Reporting Fraud and Abuse
St Louis County, in collaboration with the MN Department of Human Services Office of the Inspecto...
Apply for Cash and Food Stamps
St. Louis County administers several programs to supplement household income and provide food sup...
Veteran Service Office Duluth Duluth Village Mall Office Building, Suite 100 4815 Burning Tree R...
Federal Benefits
Includes information on Federal Benefits Including: Compensation Pension Agent Orange Fed...
Norther Pines Mental Health Center
State Benefits/MN Veterans Nursing Homes
MN Veterans Homes provide person-centered care designed and delivered according to the individual...
Burials and Memorials
MN Veterans Homes provide person-centered care designed and delivered according to the individual...
Veterans Resources
The Veterans Service Office acts as a liaison with various service organizations and other relate...
Housing and Homeless Programs
For anyone who’s fallen behind on rent payments since the pandemic started, help is now available...
Child and Teen Checkups
Casey Mickelson C&TC Public Health Educator St. Louis County MN Work: 218-726-2025 Sara...
Children & Youth with Special Health
Public Health Duluth218-725-5210 Ely218-365-8200 Hibbing218-262-6000 Virginia218-471-7600 ...
Chronic Disease Prevention
Chronic diseases and conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity,...
All St. Louis County offices are open to the public. Face masks are required to be worn inside a...
Early Childhood and Adolescents
It is important to stay in good health by finding and treating problems early with regular health...
Environmental Health Hazards
Our natural and man-made surroundings affect individual and community health. The Public Health D...
Family Home Visiting
Weblink: Family Home Visiting ( Family Home Visiting (FHV) is a method for s...
Infection disease and prevention
Animal Bites and Rabies While the risk of exposure to rabies is low in St. Louis County, the ris...
Nutritional Programs
Women/Infant and Children (WIC) program Many families are eligible for WIC. WIC provides nutriti...