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12 total results found

Four Sisters Farmers Market

Native American Resources NACDI

...ut Our Market The Four Sisters Farmers Market is an Indigenous-focused ... farmers market that provides increased ...sting a collective table at our Farmers Market selling produce and flowers from various small scale urban growers. Vendor Applications ...

Taking Action To Address Substance Use Disorder In The Farming Community

Chemical Dependency Rural Community Action Guide

...rm Bureau Federation / National Farmers Union   Opioid Impacts On Far ... Federation (AFBF) and National Farmers Union (NFU) revealed disturbing ... farmer’s fields. Three-in-four farmers and farm workers (74 percent) a ...he above factors. Three-in-four farmers (77 percent), as well as those ...

Taking Action To Address Substance Use Disorder In The Farming Community

Substance Information Rural Community Action Guide

...rm Bureau Federation / National Farmers Union Opioid Impacts On Farm ... Federation (AFBF) and National Farmers Union (NFU) revealed disturbing ... farmer’s fields. Three-in-four farmers and farm workers (74 percent) a ...he above factors. Three-in-four farmers (77 percent), as well as those ...

Four Sisters Urban Growers Collective

Native American Resources NACDI

...sting a collective table at our Farmers Market selling produce and flow access to fresh foods at our farmers market. Offering a greater sele ...nd will continue throughout the farmers market season. If you are an urban grower and would like to parti...

Community Health Resources

Carlton County Directory, June-OctoberMoose Lake Area Farmers MarketEarl Ellen’s ParkHwy 73Moose Lake, MN 55767Saturdays 8am-12pm, end of May through October Community Education Barnum: 218-389-0108Carlton: 218-384-4225 x213Cloquet: 218-879-1261Cromwell-Wright: 218-644-3737Es...

Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP)

Carlton County Directory (Wellbeing Strategy) Healthy Northland Interactive Map: Use this map to find northeast Minnesota’s walking, biking, hiking, paddling and skiing routes, as well as fitness centers, farmers markets and many other healthy places.  

Financial Services

Aitkin County Health and Human Services

... to buy food at many stores and farmers markets. What can SNAP Purchase? SNAP can be used like cash in most food stores to purchase food and plants or seeds that grow food for a household to eat. SNAP cannot be used for non-food items (such as hygiene, h...

Minnesota Warmlines

Itasca Adolescent and Parenting Resources Phone Support mental health counselors for farmers and their families, funded by the MN Legislature. Ted Matthews 320-266-2390 Monica McConkey 218-280-7785 National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-HOPE (4673) A free, confidential, 24/7 service connecting vict...

Food and Nutrition

Autism Basic Needs

...e your benefits at many stores, farmers markets and senior dining sites. Who is Eligible for SNAP? SNAP eligibility depends on your household's income. Most types of income are counted. There are many deductions from income that are allowed under SNAP. A...

Minnesota Warmlines

Aitkin Adolescent and Parenting Resources Phone Support mental health counselors for farmers and their families, funded by the MN Legislature. Ted Matthews 320-266-2390 Monica McConkey 218-280-7785 National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-HOPE (4673) A free, confidential, 24/7 service connecting vict...

Four Sisters Farm

Native American Resources NACDI

...eadership with the Four Sisters Farmers Market and the 24th Street Urban Farm Coalition. NACDI began a process in which we surveyed the neighbors in East Phillips to discern what they would like to see with the land. The survey included either an in-person...

Hunger Solutions

Itasca County Food Shelf/Meals Directory Food Assistance and Support

...about food shelves, free meals, farmers’ markets, or other resources in your area. Have general questions? If we can’t help, we can direct you to where you need to go to find answers.  If you are more comfortable speaking in a language other than English,...