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7 Myths about Autism

7 Myths About Autism That Parents Want You to Know

By Robin LaBarbera, PhD

Teachers have probably heard lots of things about autism - some truths and some myths. The top seven myths that parents of children with autism want their child's teacher to know about and work to combat are;

  1. My Child is purposefully disruptive or defiant
    Every act seeks out an end - a person gets something out of performing a behavior. This is true for everyone. We do things for a reason, and every behavior has a purpose. Most of the time, children either get something or avoid something by engaging in certain behavior. Things they might want to "get" include attention, an item, an activity, or some for of control over a situation. Things they might want to avoid can include attention, tasks, demands, or unwanted activities. If the child is using a behavior to get something, try and figure out what he or she is hoping to gain. If the child is trying to avoid something, try and figure that out, too.
    Children need consistency of a reliable adult to provide support and guidance. The child is not purposefully disruptive or difficult. Find out what message the child is trying to send. Understanding why the behavior might be happening is necessary to select more appropriate behaviors to replace the challenging ones. 
  2. My Child should be able to perform the desired behavior with instructions given once
    Sometimes, things that other people are quick to learn might take considerably longer for the child to learn or become comfortable with. It isn't that the child isn't listening, or that they don't understand, or that they aren't trying hard to grasp the concept. You might have to show the child how to do something, and then be prepared to show them many times. Lots of patience is needed, and please don't give up. He/she won't be great at everything right away. The child is worth it!
  3. I should seek to address my child's weaknesses exclusively
    The child doesn't need any help feeling that they are not good enough, or that they need to be fixed to do well in your classroom. The child doesn't need any more criticism. Look for their strengths, and capitalize on those strengths to teach new things. Knowing the child's strengths will be the key to unlocking their potential. Utilizing strengths can provide motivation and success in learning something new. 
    Some examples of strengths commonly associated with autism include exceptional memory for facts and figures, high motivation in topics of interest, excellent attention to detail, ability to follow instructions and rules, skills in arts and music, innovative approaches to problem-solving, and honesty, just to name a few. They are also very visual learners, so anything you can present in visual form is important for unlocking potential. You might find that some of the "deficits" associated with autism are diminished when children are engaged in their specific areas of interest.
  4. My Child is broken and needs to be fixed
    Children are sensitive to environmental stimuli, so they might react to changes in routine and get frustrated easily, but they are not broken. You don't have to try and fix the child. You might not be able to stop some of the behaviors you don't like. I believe that instead of fixing them, you would benefit from taking the time to understand and respect them. The child will likely never "behave" in the way you've come to expect from other children in your class. But their behaviors are not wrong. The child deserves your understanding. 
  5. My Child doesn't listen to spoken instructions
    It is important to know that visual learners prefer written language or diagrams and charts that illustrate concepts. Many children with autism cannot process verbal instructions; they need to be shown the steps, sometimes many times over before the patterns and expected behavior occur. The child might not take in information if its presented verbally. If its not written down or visually presented through graphics or pictures, they will not retain it. Flashcards, pictures, and words are excellent tools for students who learn visually. 
    If you give an endless string or oral directions, you might be tempted to think the child is paying attention, or that they are defiant or troublesome by not listening. Many children with autism find it difficult to understand and follow spoken directions. Please don't presume the child is not trying or try and convince them to try harder.
  6. My Child should be able to pick up social skills easily
    It might look like the child doesn't want to play with other kids at recess, but it may be that they just don't know how to initiate a conversation or join in play in ways that are understandable to others. Most children with autism desire to have friendships, but they need help to develop the social skills necessary for interacting with peers. Children with autism find it extremely difficult to interact with their peers. They have trouble reading body language and understanding social cues from others. Promoting positive interactions with peers is important for the child's development.
    Teach the child how to play with others, and encourage other children to invite them into their activities. The child might long to be included but just doesn't know how to engage. Model appropriate ways for them to join peers. Provide structure and support in social interactions. Developing social skills will help with language and cognitive development as well.
  7. My Child needs more stimulation
    The child's brain is constantly working overtime to accommodate overwhelming environmental stimuli, from noise to lights, to social cues, to changes in regular activities and routines. If they seem tired, its because...well...the child is tired. They don't fall asleep easily. At night it can sometimes take two hours to get to sleep because the child gets out of bed a lot and the parent has to tuck them back in numerous times before they finally fall asleep. The child goes through a lot every day. So if they seem tired, don't try to pep the child up
    Not only can overstimulation make bedtime and sleeping difficult, but it can result in shutdowns or meltdowns during the day. Look for ways to help the child deal with the overstimulation, rather than providing consequences for "misbehavior." The child is not defiant or misbehaving on purpose - they are merely coping with overstimulation in the only way they know how Find ways to help the child cope

This list is not exhaustive. I've heard many parents express their desires for teachers to understand their perspective, and this list is just a summary of the most frequent responses. Educators, if by some fortunate circumstances you have students with autism in your classroom, take the time to get to know your students' strengths and areas of need, and be intentional about doing all you can to encourage an support your students and their families. Be a part of dispelling the myths commonly associated with children who have autism.