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Connect and Collaborate

With lives being lost daily, the opioid crisis is an all-hands-on-deck epidemic. Across the U.S., treatment professionals, law enforcement, faith communities, service providers, drug courts, schools, recreation centers, media, businesses, policy-makers, families, and youth leaders are stepping forward to help coordinate and serve those struggling with addiction.

Find Coalition Partners

After assessing your community's needs, explore available coalition partners in your community:

  • Visit the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. 
  • Contact your regional public health department, HHS Regional Offices, or the SAMHSA Regional Offices.
  • Connect with healthcare providers, recovery support and treatment professionals, drug courts and others to lend you communities "health assets" to the continuum of care for those seeking addiction recovery.

Getting Started

  • Lend Your Organization's Health Assets: Whether you have space for a support group to meet, can hold or host educational forums, coordinate volunteers to help transport people to treatment and recovery support services, or help with job interviews, your community's contribution is an essential element to the recovery journey of individuals and their families.
  • Review SAMHSA's toolkit: "One Voice, One Community: Building Strong and Effective Partnerships Among Community and Faith Organizations."
  • Recognize National Observances and Participate in activities:
    • National Prevention Week 
    • National Recovery Month