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Open Your Doors

Connecting to a supportive community and reestablishing strong relationships are essential elements to ongoing recovery.

To foster recovery, communities can host or connect people to community-based, 12-step and other recovery support programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Celebrate Recovery, and so many others. These programs can act as lifelines to those with SUDs by connecting them to others in recovery. These programs can also support those receiving medication-assisted treatment (MATs), as part of their recovery.

Getting Started

Here are just a few ways to open your doors to the community:

  • Offer your space for weekly recovery programs and/or self-help support groups for people with substance-use disorders, as well as their families who may also need support.
  • Connect people to existing recovery support programs in your community.
  • Offer free transportation to treatment services and/or recovery support programs.
  • Promote and local support groups in your newsletters, community calendars, websites, Facebook pages, and other social outlets. Consider also including:
  • Invite the community to a screening of a film on the opioid crisis and host a post-show community dialogue. Films like NOVA's Addiction, Heroin(e), or the FBI's Chasing the Dragon include free downloadable discussion guides. 
  • When offering public or congregational prayer - particularly prayers for the sick - please pray for people who are suffering opioid or substance use disorders.