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Loneliness & Isolation

Crisis Text Line - How to Deal with Loneliness feeling lonely isn’t uncommon. When the feeling of loneliness continues it can be seriously damaging to your mental health. This webpage takes you through signs of loneliness, types of loneliness, causes of loneliness, and how to deal with loneliness.

Healthline - 13 Things to Do When You Feel Lonely loneliness is a common feeling, but there are steps you can take to help feel more connected. Listening to music, calling a friend, taking a walk outside, and other activities may reduce your sense of isolation.

McLean Hospital - 4 Steps to Walk Away From Loneliness is an article listing 4 ways you can confront loneliness and learn when you should reach out for help if you are lonely.

MHA - Loneliness is Hard is an article talking about common reasons kids and teens can be lonely and how to become less lonely.

Very Well Mind - How to Cope With Loneliness is an article that talks about what you can do to combat loneliness.