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NAMI What is Self-Harm? Video learn what self-harm is, why this negative coping-skill might happen, and ways to treat it.

Boys Town National Hotline is a 24-hour a day, 7 day a week crisis line for children and families at staffed with trained crisis counselors to help with suicidal thoughts, self-harm, parenting issues, physical, sexual or emotional abuse, bullying and peer issues, or relationship challenges. Call (800) 448-3000 to get connected with Boys Town National Hotline.

S.A.F.E Alternatives provides an information line for resources on self-harm and a therapist locator. Their information line can be reached at (800) 366-8288 and they offer an extension option for adolescents and teens calling in crisis along with providing the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline to all other callers in crisis.

The Adolescent Self-Injury Foundation offers information about warning signs and treatment for self-injury. Their website has an extensive list of “146 Things to Do Besides Self-harm”