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Environmental Health

The Public Health Educators can answer questions and provide information and education on a variety of environmental health topics such as mold, radon, rabies, etc. They do not perform inspections for any environmental health hazard except property complaints (dumping garbage, exposed sewage, harboring of animals, etc.) that the Public Health Educators deem as a public health nuisance. Unless the City has its own ordinance to respond to these, the County works under the State Statue 145a.04 to address these concerns, if needed.

Home Radon Test Kits

Radon home test kits are available from Carlton County Public Health and Human Services for $2 (as supply is available). Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer (see video of the link between radon and lung cancer here); please advocate for your family’s health by testing your home for radon. If you do test your home for radon, this must be disclosed in the sale of your home. Please stop by Carlton County Public Health at 14 N 11th Street in Cloquet to buy your test today. You can also call 218-879-4511 or 888-818-4511 and have one mailed to you. 

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) provides information on radon and how to protect your family’s health. MDH recommends that every Minnesota home be tested for radon. Download a printable version of the brochure Radon: Keeping your home safe (PDF)

Public Health Nuisance Complaint

Intake is received at 218-879-4511.