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Resources for Helping Children and Adolescents Going Through Traumatic Events

After a Traumatic Event: How to Help Children (Critical Support)

Traumatic events can be scary for both you and your child. Thankfully, there are many things you ...

Family Emergency Plan

Be Prepared One of the keys for the safety of your family is to be prepared ...

Family Emergency Preparedness Plan Get Your Family Ready and Safe

When a disaster strikes or a crisis breaks out, your first thoughts are often of family – especia...

Fire Safety: How to Stay Safe

If there is a fire in my home, the smoke alarm may start to make a loud beeping noise. When th...

Flooding Explanation- Learn about Flood- Video for Kids

Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Traumatic Events

How do children and adolescents respond to traumatic events? It is typical for children and adol...

Hurricanes, Tornadoes & Lighting For Kids

Hurricanes, Tornadoes & Lightning Lesson For Kids | Extreme Weather! Definition of Extreme Wea...

Kid Games for Weather Disasters

Are you ready? These games will test your know-how in a wide range of emergencies and teach you h...

Parent Guidelines for Helping Children Before, During, and After a Tornado

Children's reaction to tornados and their aftermaths are strongly influenced by how their parents...

Questions to Ask your Children about the Tornado

Parents, take a few minutes and think about where your child was during the tornado and answer th...

Ready Kids

Disasters happen everywhere, and every member of the family can prepare. Preparedness for the fut...

Ready Wrigley Prepares for Tornadoes

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has created Ready Wrigley toprovide parents, guard...

Resources for Families Coping with Mental and Substance Use Disorders

Every family is unique, but all families share a bond that can be used to support one another dur...

Social Media Disaster Tool Kits

Flood Safety Social Media Toolkit The Flood Safety Social Media toolkit contains flood safety an...

Storm Stress: Helping Kids Stay Calm (Nemours Children's Health)

Weather events like severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes are happening more often. Bet...

Student Tools for Emergency Planning

Inspire youth to prepare with FEMA’s Student Tools for Emergency Planning (STEP) Curriculum. The ...

Study: Adolescents Who Use Substances at Higher Risk for Mental Illness, Suicide


Thunderstorm Safety

Trauma and Healing (University of Minnesota)

Historical Trauma and Cultural Healing Genocide. Slavery. Forced relocation. Destruction of cu...