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Site: Camp Hiawatha / Camp Vermillion
Ages: Completed grades 3-4
Cost: $410 - 560*

A week filled with all the great things camp has to offer! New friendships are formed as campers play, sing, worship, and laugh together. Opportunities to explore your faith are woven through each day as campers discover God's presence on the waterfront, around the campfire, on the ball field, and in the laughter around the lunch table. It will be week of memories you won't soon forget.

*See full fee schedule here.

Program Details

The programs at Camp Hiawatha and Camp Vermillion strive to build on each other, providing new experiences and opportunities every few years. The Seekers program is the first week-long program for younger campers. For those who participated in our Discoverer or Venturer program, having the chance to spend a whole week at camp is the next step for them. But we also get many first-time campers as Seekers who can't wait to get in on all that a week of camp offers! 

The Seekers program provides campers with a foundational summer camp experience. They learn to share space with others, they push their own comfort level by trying out new skills, such as canoeing or art, they learn to be a humble winner and a gracious loser at games, and they become familiar with the flow of camp. Meals are enjoyed with the wider camp community, worship is experienced in new ways, and Bible studies help them explore their faith through questions and conversation.

Seeker campers live in a cabin with generally 6-7 cabin mates and one of our staff.

Housing at Camp Hiawatha is in either Lindberg or Gloria Dei dorm. Each room/cabin has four bunk beds and an attached bathroom with sinks, toilet, and shower.

Housing at Camp Vermillion is generally in the Border Lakes cabins, which is a close walk to our main bathhouse. These cabins have five bunk beds and a sink.

Typical Daily Schedule

7:00 - Polar Bear Swim (an early morning jump in the lake; optional)
7:45 - Morning Mai (morning devotion time with other cabins)
8:00 - Breakfast
8:40 - Kapers (chores or tasks to help keep the camp clean and comfortable for all)
9:15 - Games
9:30 - Morning Worship
10:00 - Bible study with their cabin group; also called Rubbaboo
11:15 - More games and activities
12:00 - Lunch
12:45 - Quiet Time
1:15 - Afternoon Grovers - usually two or three activity periods with a variety of activities; includes swimming, creative arts, field games, canoeing, learning a skill, nature activities, and more. A trip to the canteen is usually part of the afternoon schedule
5:30 - Supper
6:15 - Cabin Time
6:45 - All Camp Game
8:15 - Canteen or snack; prepare for evening campfire
9:00 - Campfire - sometimes with the entire camp community, sometimes with other Seeker camps
9:45 - Prepare for Bed
10:00 - Evening cabin devotion; also called Wattape
10:20 - Lights out

While each day will follow this basic flow, our staff will occasionally shake things up to provide a special activity or experience throughout the week.  This might include a theme day, a special hike or activity in the afternoon, or other experiences that relate to the summer theme. Seekers also have a cookout meal during their week, where they begin to learn basics of campfire cooking alongside our staff.

Seeker campers have the chance to interact with the other week-long campers during their time at camp.  Each day there are opportunities for all programs to gather in community - for morning worship, a game, evening campfire, or some afternoon activities.  Sunday nights and Thursday nights are common all camp times, where the full community kicks off their week together, and then celebrates their community on Thursday.



1325 N 45th Avenue E
Duluth, MN 55804
(800) 331-5148


36944 Camp Hiawatha Rd
Deer River, MN 56636


2555 Vermilion Camp Rd
Cook, MN 55723