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The Power of Compassion and Connection

When our children are struggling with substance misuse, one of the most constructive things we as parents can do is lead with compassion and connection, not criticism.

This empathetic approach is at the heart of Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT).

CRAFT is an evidence-based program with over 30 years of research showing it helps concerned family members motivate a loved one to accept help for problematic substance misuse. That may mean seeing a local counselor or therapist or participating in formal treatment. CRAFT trains parents in positive communication, self-care, healthy boundaries and rewarding good behaviors, so your young person ends up using intrinsic motivation to get better.

The philosophy behind CRAFT is that substance misuse is fueled by unhealthy rewards and few positive reinforcements. So families shift focus onto providing new rewards for sober, healthy behavior, expressing care, and rebuilding strained connections.

"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, It's connection." - Johan Hari

CRAFT helps you become a safe harbor where your child can confide their struggles without fear of volatile reactions or punishment and rejection. We build trust through dependable love, then reinforce steps towards responsibility. Small progress earns caring, positive reinforcement - using less days than last week? That's positive. Agreeing to attend counseling or work with a mentor? Positive! Taking an Uber instead of driving high? That is something to positively reinforce.

Healing happens through consistent compassion, not coercion and shame. CRAFT trains parents to reward honesty with caring connection. We model healthy behaviors missing in our kids' lives like self-respect and care, honest communication, accountability and unconditional support. Again, these things don't usually come naturally, so if you feel like you've missed the boat, it's okay. It's never too late to begin a new way of being, acting, and responding to your child even through their choices and actions make you worried sick.