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Worried: A Compassionate Guide For Parents When Your Teen Or Young Adult Misuses Drugs And Alcohol

By Brenda Zane


If you're reading this, you might be where I was several years ago - scared, angry, exhausted, and feeling so alone while your teen or young adult child (or someone close to you) is misusing or addicted to drugs or alcohol. It's a frightening place to be, and I'm so glad you took the step of requesting this e-book. I hope this information will give you some things to think about and bring about a sense of relief to know you're not alone.

How do I know this? My oldest son became addicted to prescription drugs and an extremely high-risk lifestyle, including dealing drugs and gang involvement, so I've been deep in the battle. For over five years, I lived each day blaming myself, wondering how I could help him, and during it all, I lost my sense of self, my happiness, and health.

If you're living in the confusing, painful place I was, my goal is to bring you hope and connection. Please check out all the services and resources offered by the nonprofit organization I co-founded, Hopesteam Community. We'd love to come alongside you right now.

Brenda Zane