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Site: Camp Hiawatha / Camp Vermillion
Ages: Completed grades 5-6
Cost: $410-560*

A balance of familiar camp activities combined with new opportunities is what the Trekker program is all about. A balance of familiar camp activities combined with new opportunities are what the Trekker program is all about. Mixed in with favorite camp activities - swimming, games, crafts, waterfront activities, and campfire, are faith conversations that go a bit deeper. The Trekker program also includes a special "Trekker Day Out" where the campers get to explore and experience the wonders of God's Great Northwoods more intentionally together.

*See full fee schedule here.

Program Details

Trekker campers are moving into the age between elementary school and junior high - a time to begin to explore their independence while also embracing their identity as kids. We strive to make this program meet these needs and interests, giving them the comfort of a counselor who can be the "parent figure" but also challenging them to try new things and push beyond their comfort zone. 

Trekker campers live in a cabin with generally 6-7 cabin mates and one of our staff.

Housing at Camp Hiawatha is in either Lindberg or Gloria Dei dorm. Each room/cabin has four bunk beds and an attached bathroom with sinks, toilet, and shower. 

Housing at Camp Vermillion is either in the Border Lakes or Tree Top cabins. These cabins each have five bunk beds and a sink. The shower-house is a short walk away, with an outhouse close by when needed. 

There is much interaction with the other programs in camp for Trekkers. Meals are shared in the dining hall, and the whole camp gets together occasionally for all camp games, worships, and campfires. These are great times to see a sibling or friend from home who is in a different program. There are also daily activities just for the Trekker Village of cabins, allowing our staff to plan more targeted worship messages or games just for this age group.

Typical Daily Schedule

7:00 - Polar Bear Swim (an early morning jump in the lake; optional)
7:45 - Morning Mai (morning devotion time with other cabins)
8:00 - Breakfast
8:40 - Kapers (chores or tasks to help keep the camp clean and comfortable for all)
9:15 - Games
9:30 - Morning worship
10:00 - Bible study with their cabin group; also called Rubbaboo
11:15 - Additional games and activities
12:00 - Lunch
12:45 - Quiet Time
1:15 - Afternoon Grovers - usually two or three activity periods with a variety of activities; includes swimming, creative arts, field games, canoeing, learning a skill, nature activities, and more. A trip to the canteen is usually part of the afternoon schedule
5:30 - Supper
6:15 - Cabin Time
6:45 - All Camp Game - Sometimes with the entire camp community, sometimes only with their Village)
8:15 - Canteen or snack; prepare for evening campfire
9:00 - Campfire - sometimes with entire camp community, sometimes with other Trekker cabins
9:45 - Prepare for bed
10:00 - Evening cabin devotions; also called Wattape
10:20 - Lights Out

On Tuesday or Wednesday, the Trekker campers have the opportunity to get away from the main areas of camp and enjoy a day in nature. Campers will either spend the day immersed in the beautiful woods surrounding camp, utilizing campsites and our waterfront area, or they'll spend time on the water and at a day-use campsite on the lake. Following morning worship and Bible study, Trekkers will pick up a trail lunch from the main kitchen and head to the woods. Everything they need for the day will be carried with them, including the food and equipment needed for cooking  out their supper (any items needing refrigeration are brought to them later by another staff member). The afternoon is spent doing nature games and activities, team building, opportunities to try out a hammock, and possibly even preparing their afternoon snack over the fire. The group will then work together to prepare their evening meal over the fire, and learn how to clean up their meal while "leaving no trace" to the campsite. An evening game is played, followed by s'mores and worship before returning to their cabins for the night.

Along with these outdoor living experiences, Trekker campers enjoy swimming, canoeing or paddle boarding, Gaga Ball, soccer, small group cabin times, creative arts, making new friends, singing fun songs, and simply being alive in God's great northwoods. 



1325 N 45th Avenue E
Duluth, MN 55804
(800) 331-5148


36944 Camp Hiawatha Rd
Deer River, MN 56636


2555 Vermilion Camp Rd
Cook, MN 55723